
Overview of the Test Site for I AM Assessments

Sample Test Page

Sample Test Page

There are two types of test tools available:

Global Tools Instructions


Online Help Button

To view the on-screen Help Guide window, select ? in the upper-right corner.



To use the on-screen calculator, select Calculator in the global menu.

Line Reader

Line Reader Tool

To highlight an individual line of text in a passage or question, select Line Reader in the global menu.

This tool is not available while the Highlighter tool is in use.


Masking Tool Icon

The Masking tool temporarily covers a distracting area of the test page. To use this tool:

  1. Select Masking in the global menu.
  2. Click and drag across the distracting area.

To close the Masking tool, select Masking again. To remove a masked area, select X in the upper-right corner of that area.

System Settings

cog wheel icon

To adjust audio volume during the test, select cog wheel icon in the upper-right corner. Students testing with TTS can also use this tool to adjust TTS settings.

Students testing on mobile devices cannot use this tool to adjust volume. To adjust audio volume on mobile devices, students must use the device's built-in volume control.

Zoom buttons

Zoom In Icon Zoom Out Icon

To enlarge the text and images on a test page, select Zoom In. Multiple zoom levels are available. To undo zooming, select Zoom Out.


Context Menu Tools Instructions
Mark as No Response To indicate that no response was provided for an item, select Mark as No Response from the context menu. For students with “No Mode of Communication” the TA will need to select “Mark as No Response” for the first five items. Additional information regarding the use of this feature is available in the I AM TAM or TCM.

For selected-response questions, you can cross out an answer option to focus on the options you think might be correct. There are two options for using this tool:

  • Option A:
  1. To activate Strikethrough mode, open the context menu and select Strikethrough.
  2. Select each answer options you wish to strike out.
  3. To deactivate Strikethrough mode, press Esc or click outside the question's response area.

  • Option B:
  1. Right-click an answer option and select Strikethrough.
Text-to-Speech To listen to passages and questions, select a Speak option from the TTS button beside the context menu.
Item Tutorials To view a short video demonstrating how to respond to a particular question type, select Item Tutorials from the context menu.

Test Rules for I AM Assessments

Navigation Rules

Pause Rules

About Text-to-Speech for I AM Assessments

Text-to-Speech is required for the I AM assessment unless the student has access to a Human Reader as a part of an accommodation. Please note that Text-to-Speech is not applicable when you are testing with JAWS.

About Text-to-Speech

Students testing with TTS can listen to passages, questions, and answer options using the ear icon if available.

To listen to content with the Text-to-Speech tool:

Navigating the Test with Job Access With Speech (JAWS)

This section provides instructions for using JAWS to navigate a test page.

RBD Users: If using RBDs with router keys, you can also press the router key above the text for a button to move the cursor to that button. You can press the router key again to select that button instead of using the provided keyboard commands.

JAWS Keyboard Commands for Sign-In Pages
Action Keyboard Command

Returns the focus to the Secure Browser if the student navigates to the JAWS application window while signing in.

Note. Keyboard layouts may vary by device. Please refer to the manual provided by the device manufacturer for more information.

Insert + F10

(standard keyboard)

Space + S

(Perkins Braille keyboard)

Move the focus to the next field, link, or button on the page.

Move the focus to the previous field, link, or button on the page. Shift + Tab
Read the next line on the page. Down Arrow
Read the previous line on the page. Up Arrow
Select the button that is currently in focus. Enter

JAWS Keyboard Commands for Test Pages
Action Keyboard Command

Navigate to the next landmark region on the test page. A test page has up to three primary landmark regions:

  • Banner Region: The banner contains the test information row. This row displays the current question numbers, test name, student name, test settings button, pause button, and help button.
  • Navigation and Test Tools Region: This region displays the navigation and tool buttons.
  • Test Content Region: This region consists of the passage section and the question section.
    • The passage section contains the passage title, passage context menu, and passage content.
    • The question section contains a question number, question labels (labels that appear when you mark an item for review), question context menu, question prompt, and the response area.

Jump to the next heading on the page. In general, the following test components are defined with a heading:

  • Test name (H1)
  • Student name (H2)
  • Passage title (H3)
  • Question number (H3)

On test pages that have multiple questions, students can jump directly from one question to the next. To do this, press H and then press the Down Arrow twice. The question is then read aloud.

Jumps to the previous region on the page. Shift + R
Jump to the previous heading on the page. Shift + H

Move to the next component on the page. In general, the following test elements are components:

  • Navigation and tool buttons
  • Question number (and associated prompt text)
  • Context menu
  • Response options
Move to the previous component on the page. Shift + Tab
Select a button or response option or open a context menu. Enter
Move to the next line on the page. Down Arrow
Move to the previous line on the page. Up Arrow
Read everything on the page from the current point of focus. Insert + Down Arrow
Stop JAWS from reading. Ctrl or Space
JAWS Keyboard Commands for Context Menu
Action Keyboard Command

Pressing Enter when JAWS reads “Menu button” will open the context menu. This is the only way to open the context menu when streamline mode is turned on.


Move the focus to the next option in the menu. JAWS will read this option aloud.

Down Arrow
Move the focus to the previous option in the menu. JAWS will read this option aloud. Up Arrow
Select the menu option currently in focus. Space
Close the context menu without selecting any options. Esc
JAWS Keyboard Commands for Responding to Items
Action Keyboard Command
  • Students can use the Tab key to navigate to the item prompt, which JAWS will read aloud.
  • After JAWS reads the prompt aloud, students can press Tab again to navigate to the response area. They may need to press Tab multiple times depending on the item type and whether any question labels appear for the item.
  • In the response area for an item, students can press Tab to navigate between each answer option, text box, selectable text field, keypad button, or checkbox, depending on the question type.


Navigate to the previous answer option, text box, selectable text field, keypad button, or checkbox, depending on the item type.

Shift + Tab
  • For multiple-choice and multi-select items, pressing the arrow keys will move between each answer option.
  • For edit task choice items, pressing the arrow keys will move between each line of text in the item. After users open an edit menu by pressing Space, the arrow keys can be used to move between the answer options in the drop-down list.
Up and Down Arrow keys
  • For multiple choice and multi-select items, pressing Space will select the answer option in focus.
  • For edit task items, pressing Space will open the edit menu in which students type or select a response.
  • For table match items, pressing Space will mark the checkbox in focus.
  • For hot text items, pressing Enter will choose the selectable text area in focus as the answer option.
  • For edit task choice items, pressing Enter will select an answer option from the drop-down list in the edit menu.
  • For equation items, pressing Enter will select the keypad button in focus.
For equation items, pressing Alt+ 7 will open a popup menu with special characters. Students can use the arrow keys to move between the special characters in the list and then press Enter to insert a special character in the response area. Alt + 7

Navigating the Test without JAWS

This section provides instructions for using keyboard commands to navigate a test page without JAWS.

About Test Regions and Elements

A test page has up to three regions: the Banner, the Navigation region, and the Main region.

Keyboard Commands

You can use the following keyboard commands to navigate within a test page.

Action Keyboard Command
Move to the next component on the page.
  • In general, the following test elements are components:
    • Question number and associated text
    • Passages
    • Context menus
    • Response options
    • Navigation and tool buttons
Move to the previous component on the page. Shift + Tab
Select a response option or mark a checkbox. Space
Select a button, open a menu, or select a menu option. Enter
Move to the next option in a context menu. Down Arrow
Move to the previous option in a context menu. Up Arrow
Close a context menu. Esc

Opening a Context Menu

To open the context menu for a stimulus or question:

  1. Do one of the following:
  2. To navigate directly to the context menu button, press Tab twice.
  3. Press Enter. The context menu opens and displays the list of available menu options.
  4. To move up and down the list, press the Up and Down arrow keys.
  5. To select a menu option, press Enter.

To exit the menu without making a selection, press the Esc key.

Responding to Questions without JAWS

This section provides basic guidance for responding to question types that may appear on a test.

Note: The instructions in this section assume that the question does not display any question labels. If you have used a context menu tool for a question, you must press Tab an additional time for each question label that appears.

Multiple-Choice and Multi-Select Questions

The procedures for responding to Multiple-Choice and Multi-Select questions are similar.

  1. After listening to the question text, press Tab twice.
  2. To navigate between each answer option, use the Tab and Shift + Tab commands (or use the Up and Down arrow keys).
  3. To select the response option in focus as your response, press Space.

Hot Text Questions

Hot text questions require you to select at least one word, phrase, or sentence.

  1. After reading the question, press the Tab key until the first selectable text area is in focus.
  2. To navigate between each selectable text area, use the Tab and Shift + Tab commands.
  3. To choose a selectable text area in focus as your response, press the Enter key.

Edit Task Questions

Edit task questions require you to replace an incorrect selectable word or phrase.

  1. To navigate to a selectable text field in the question, press the Tab key.
  2. When the selectable text is in focus, press Space. This will open the edit menu.
  3. Press Tab to navigate to the OK button in the edit menu. Press Enter. The edit menu will close and the question will be back in focus.

Text Response Questions

Text response questions require you to enter text into a text box.

  1. Read the question and then use the Tab key to move to the response area.
  2. When you are done entering a response, press Tab. You will leave the text box and move to the next question on the page.

Table Match Questions

Table match questions require you to mark at least one checkbox in a table. The table will have multiple rows and columns. The table row heading and column heading are not selectable. The selectable table cells have checkboxes.

  1. After listening to the question text, press the Tab key until the first table cell with a checkbox is in focus.
  2. To navigate to each cell that has a checkbox, press the Tab key.
  3. To mark a checkbox, press Space.

Equation Questions

Equation questions require you to enter a math equation or expression in a text field using an on-screen keypad.

  1. To navigate between the keypad buttons, press Tab or Shift + Tab.
  2. To enter a character in the text field or perform an action from the keypad toolbar, press Enter. You can also press the corresponding key on your keyboard, if available.
  3. Optional: To add special characters to the text field, press Alt + 7 with the focus on the text field. A pop-up window opens, with a drop-down list of the available characters. To move between the options in this list, use the arrow keys. To insert the selected character, press Enter.